I am a full-stack web developer, linguist, and Zen student.
I work mainly with Ruby on Rails and Yeoman, and I have experience writing HTML/CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and most recently AngularJS.
I have a passion for finding new ways of using technology to bring people together in the real world and interact with their environment differently.
A fun new way to find your personality type, visualize your personality space, and compare it with your friends!
(Work in Progress) A location-based app which connects people interested in having in-person conversations about cultural topics such as literature, philosophy, and art.
Built for outLoud Radio at the Hack 4 Queer Youth hackathon (2nd place), it is an media player widget which syncs transcripts with Soundcloud audio, then lets users capture quotes as stylized images and share them to social media.
A map-based app which integrates bike accident data and helps cyclicsts and commuters to warn each other about hazards on streets and bike paths.
Web Development Immersive Student, Fall 2013
General Assembly San Francisco
Social Media & Office Manager, March 2013 - September 2013
Treasure Island Museum Association
Sales & Marketing Associate, May 2012 - February 2013
The Magic Theatre - San Francisco
Marketing & Communications Lead, June 2011 - Present
Hartford Street Zen Center - San Francisco
Phonetics Lab Research Assistant, July - December 2011
University of California, Berkeley - Linguistics Department
Syntax Research Assistant (to Prof. Line Mikkelsen), Spring 2011
University of California, Berkeley - Linguistics Department
French - fluent, lived in France and Belgium for 6 months
Japanese - 4 years of formal study, including 3 university semesters
Picuris Northern Tiwa - reconstructed the lexicon and grammar of a dead Pueblo Indian language by analyzing a body of texts in a seminar course
Zen Buddhism ☸ Critical Theory ☸ Literature ☸ Ecology ☸ Urban Design ☸ Trombone
Figure Skating ☸ Yoga ☸ Snowboarding ☸ Hiking